Tuesday, January 13, 2015

 Christmas Party and New Year Salutations

Winn Hall  WA4KKW, who was in St. Lucia, used EchoLink to contact us during the Christmas Party, whishing us all a Merry Christmas.  Many members were using their HT’s to monitor his call.

Several members of the club also took a guided tour of the repeater above the water tower.  The tour guide being Paul Craft KE4GC.

Letter from the EARS Club President – Happy New Year
I want to thank the 27 members and several guests who braved the cold and attended 2015’s first EARS Radio Club meeting last night. 
The club is excited in that we received 5 new member applications at the meeting!
A special “Thank You” to the speakers; Ray Hughes - CERT, John Mullinix - Ham Fest / Preppers Fair, Dave Meadows - Ham Cram,
Winn Hall – St. Lucia Buddie Pole excursion, Jim Hadder – ARES. 
Our Ham Fest / Preppers Fair (March 21) is most likely this years biggest event and will need member support.  If you have expertise or contacts in marketing please get in touch with me so I can coordinate with John Mullinix (Program Manager).  If you are aware of any business that might be a good fit for vendors, let me know as well!
I also welcome your suggestions for making this event a big success!